Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Uncle Jonesy's Cameras Podcast #43: Focusing on Focus

Focus, exposure, and composition represent perhaps the three most basic elements of photography technique, yet because most people today take photographs with smartphone cameras, very little thought is given to the idea of controlling focus and using it as a creative tool. Those of us who use vintage film cameras, however, usually have much more control over exactly what in the frame is in focus and what is not. So, Wayne and Kevin are here in this show to discuss focus aesthetics and how to achieve them. As a large format photographer, Wayne has complete control of focus and tends to want everything in the frame to be as sharp as possible. Kevin, on the other hand, shoots mainly 35mm film and often wants to make the background blurry while keeping the subject sharp. Learning how to control focus can become another creative tool that can take our photography to the next level.

Photo by Kevin, who was not happy about the out-of-focus foreground in the upper right.

Also in this show, Wayne discusses his experience with his Automatic Rolleiflex 4x4 twin lens reflex camera. This camera looks just like a smaller version of the classic Rolleiflex, and it shoots 127 film, a roll film that was quite common at one time but is not common today, although it is still made. Developing and printing the film requires equipment that Wayne does not have, so developing the roll and making a print from it was a serious challenge that made for a frustrating day in the darkroom. 

Photo by Wayne Setser with his Automatic Rolleiflex

Finally, Wayne and Kevin answer a listener question about flash sync and how it works. 

As always, you can be a part of the show by sending us a question, comment, or tip. You can reach us by email at unclejonesyscameras@gmail.com. You can also post a question or comment here or on our Facebook page or Instagram feed. We would be thrilled to hear from you!

Until next time, Happy Shooting!

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